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Baby Acts Like, Well, a Baby

Aloha, Tuesdays are Kawaihae days for us. Guests on our Wake Up With the Whales Cruise spent some time with a Mom/Baby pod about a mile northwest of the harbor. While we watched, these two were approached by a couple of males — and we got to witness the beginnings of a competitive pod. We…

Unfriendly Females?

Aloha, Our Monday Morning Whale Watch Cruises were scheduled on Seasmoke departing from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Guests on our Wake up with the Whales Cruise were surrounded by surfacing and spouting whales. No matter which direction we looked, there was someone popping up for a breath or two. We spent most of our time watching a…

Hauntingly Beautiful

Aloha, We went out on two Whale Watch Cruises from Kawaihae on Saturday. During our 8AM Wake up with the Whales Cruise we saw spouts from about 6 or 8 different whales, but it took us almost 40 minutes to find that first pair. These two dove when we were about 200 yards from them…

What’s the Point?

Aloha, People ask us all the time whether we see more Humpbacks during our 8AM Cruise or during our 10:30 Cruise. To be completely honest, sighting frequency varies by the day — and if we really saw more whales consistently on one cruise or the other, we’d only offer the better of the two cruises!…

Kawaihae Nursery School

Aloha, Guests on Tuesday’s Wake Up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae got to spend some quality time with a Mom/Calf/Escort Pod. Both Mom and the Escort were big whales so obviously this wasn’t Mom’s first rodeo. Like most experienced Moms (of any species), this Mom kept an eye on her calf but allowed him…

We ALL Saw It (and that rarely happens)

Aloha, Our President’s Day Whale Watch Cruises departed from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Guests on our 8AM Wake up with the Whales Cruise spotted their first whale straight off shore of the bay. By the time we got to him though, he had lifted his flukes and disappeared from sight…so Captain Maika turned to starboard and headed…

Kinda’ Lazy

Aloha, We operated a couple of Guaranteed Whale Watch Cruises from Kawaihae Harbor on Saturday. Guests onboard for our 8AM Cruise met up with a Mom/Calf/Escort trio just south of the harbor. At first, the trio kept surfacing a couple hundred yards from us (baby surfaced a lot more frequently than the others). We were…

Second Verse, Same as the First

Aloha, There was another big swell hitting the island on Thursday, but luckily, it didn’t affect our whale sightings. Guests on our 8AM Wake Up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay met a very young calf and his Mom just south of the bay. This little one still had a bent-over dorsal fin indicating…


Aloha, Both the weather and the Humpbacks were calm during Tuesday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae Harbor. Sure, we did get to see 3 separate breaches from lone whales who were quite a distance apart from each other offshore of the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, but we spent most of our cruise…

Well That was an Understatement

Aloha, According to our onboard naturalist Nolan, Monday’s Wake Up with the Whales Cruise was quite “eventful”, and after you read about what we saw in just 90 minutes, we think you’ll agree that his description is a bit of an understatement. Just south of Anaeho’omalu Bay, we watched a sub-adult Humpback breach half a…

We Were Investigated and We Loved It

Aloha, Saturday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae Harbor was an exciting one. It began with us finding ourselves the object of interest for a lone Humpback Whale who decided to surface right next to us and check us out for more than 10 minutes. Later in the cruise the same thing happened…but…

Deja Vu

  Aloha, We hadn’t even gotten off of our mooring when we saw our first breaches during our Thursday Wake up with the Whales Cruise out of Anaeho’omalu Bay. These whales were about 1000 yards from us, and we still had to navigate out of the bay in order to approach them, so by the…