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Deja Vu

  Aloha, We hadn’t even gotten off of our mooring when we saw our first breaches during our Thursday Wake up with the Whales Cruise out of Anaeho’omalu Bay. These whales were about 1000 yards from us, and we still had to navigate out of the bay in order to approach them, so by the…

A Positive Dilemma

Aloha, Guests who joined us on our Tuesday Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae didn’t have to wait a long time to see Humpbacks. In fact, we weren’t even out of the harbor before we saw our first three spouts! We decided to head south though, and got to spend some time with…

Lots to Avoid

  Aloha, Based on the weather forecast posted on Wednesday, we weren’t sure what we were going to see when we woke up on Thursday morning, but the strong winds and rain that were supposed to be hitting us hadn’t filled in yet, so we boarded our guests and headed out to sea for our…

Uncoordinated Cutey

Aloha, Tuesday morning’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae started out pretty quiet. Sure, we saw a lot of spouts from a lot of different Humpbacks, but none of them was doing much on the surface besides spouting and diving. We got a couple of close looks at a Mom/Calf duo who surfaced…

Words Don’t Do it Justice

Aloha, As we boarded our guests for our Monday Wake up with the Whales Cruise, we could see a storm with lightening off to the northwest…near Maui. Luckily the lightening didn’t come our way, or we would have had to cancel the trip out of an abundance of caution. We headed south (away from any…

Battle Royale

Aloha, Whoo-boy, we witnessed a battle royale during Friday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise departing from Anaeho’omalu Bay. As we were leaving the bay, we saw spouts everywhere — there sure are a lot of Humpbacks hanging out on the Kohala Coast these days! Captain Maika chose to turn to port (that’s a “left-hand…

Are They Interested or Just Interesting?

Aloha, Guests on our Thursday Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay were greeted by a curious sub-adult Humpback. This 30 footer swam right up to our port bow and then down the rail, just about 6 feet below the surface, clearly checking us out. Later in the cruise we were almost T-boned…

An Actual Arc of Breaches

Aloha, We spend the first 70 minutes of our Tuesday 90 minute Wake up with the Whales Cruise watching multiple pods of two and three Humpbacks spouting pretty much everywhere we looked. We couldn’t approach any of these whales even to the 100 yard mark because each of the pods was being watched by other…

It Happened Twice

Aloha, We were surrounded by spouting whales during our Monday morning Wake up with the Whales Cruise. Throughout the course of the cruise we must have seen at least 2 dozen different Humpbacks, including two different Mom/Calf/Escort pods. The calf from one of these pods clearly wanted to check us out, but sadly it didn’t…

The Flood Gates Have Opened

Aloha, It seemed like the floodgates have been opened, and overnight the Humpback population density along the Kohala Coast has increased dramatically. Guests on Thursday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay were completely surrounded by whales. Every direction we looked, we’d see someone surfacing and spouting or lifting their flukes and diving….

Are You Patient Enough?

Aloha, No one is sure if it was Cato the Elder or Chaucer who first wrote that patience is a virtue, but if you’re an avid whale watcher you know this to be true. Tuesday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise was a case in point. We spent the beginning of the cruise seeing spouts…

Crazy Competition

Aloha, Guests on Monday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay saw pair after pair after pair (and we can keep going with this phrase) of Humpbacks, along with one trio, adding up to sightings of at least 15 different whales. All of these Humpbacks were on 15 – 20 minute dive cycles,…