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Now THIS was Fun!

Aloha, Watch what happened to us during our Wake up with the Whales Cruise on Saturday! Mahalo, Claire Ocean Sports Whale Fact of the Day: Was the whale who came to visit us on Saturday really looking at us? We think so. Though Humpbacks rely on their sense of hearing far more than any other sense, we do know that vision is also important to them. Based on the shape of the Humpbacks’ corneas, they can certainly see us…but, they’re probably a bit farsighted when looking through water and a bit nearsighted when looking through the air. And in case anyone asks you, Humpbacks have beautiful brown eyes. Their eyeballs weigh, on average, 2.16 pounds. Human eyeballs weigh about a quarter of an ounce.

Major Weight Loss Diet

Aloha, Everyone aboard Thursday’s Wake Up with the Whales Cruise got to see a Humpback on the surface at least 20 different times. We were watching 7 different Humpbacks all within 50 to 250 yards of us who were all on 10 minute dive cycles. Since they hadn’t synchronized those dives, it seemed like there…

Well, That Was Different

Aloha, It seems like I’ve been writing this phrase a lot lately…”The surf was up again” but…the surf was up again for Tuesday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae Harbor. That meant that the conditions at the dock were surgy, but once we got out of the harbor and into deeper water, all…

Some Sub-Adults

Aloha, The surf was up again for Monday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay. As soon as we got out of the bay though, we really couldn’t feel the swells. Guests on the cruise got to see 8 different Humpbacks. We spent a lot of our time with a pod of 3…

A Welcome Surprise

Aloha, Guests on Saturday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise spent some time with 3 different pods comprised of 2 Humpbacks each. We saw our first pod just as we were leaving the harbor, directly in front of us. These 2 whales were fully grown — and surfacing, spouting and sounding. While we were watching…

Goose Bumps or Chicken Skin – Does it really matter?

Aloha, Do you have a favorite Humpback behavior? I do — for some reason watching a Humpback spy-hopping is just mesmerizing to me. Something about watching the whale moving in what seems like a slow-motion vertical elevator ride until her eyes are above the surface of the ocean just gives me goose-bumps (or as we…

Lazy and Loud

Aloha, According to Captain Will, our final Whale Watch of 2024 can be described with just 2 words…Loud and Lazy. Guests joining us on this Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae Harbor got to see spouts from 8 or so different Humpbacks. We spent most of our time with 2 pods of two…

Excitement or Aggression?

Aloha, We were met with some pretty strong trade winds on Monday for our two Guaranteed Whale Watch Cruises from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Guests on our 8AM Wake up with the Whales Cruise saw probably 10 different Humpbacks, and these whales were really active on the surface. Besides the three breaches we saw from about 500…

At Least Someone Was Enthusiastic

Aloha, Whoo-boy…the surf came up BIG time for us on the west coast of the island. The biggest waves rolled through on Friday (causing us to cancel our cruises because we couldn’t get anyone from the beach to the boat safely). By Saturday, the swell had diminished a bit, but there was definitely some motion…

Night and Day

Aloha, We operated back to back Whale Watch Cruises from Anaeho’omalu Bay on Thursday and they were like night and day. We spent a lot of time driving around during our Wake up with the Whales Cruise, resulting in just one brief sighting of a Humpback’s flukes from about 600 yards. When we deployed the…

Constant Companion

Aloha, ‘Twas the day before Christmas, and the whales in the ocean, were up at the surface creating commotion… Ok, enough of that. But we did have some great Humpback sightings during our Tuesday Whale Watch Cruises. As we were leaving the harbor for our Wake Up with the Whales Cruise we spotted 2 juvenile…

Spinner Dolphins and Competitive Humpbacks

Aloha, Our Monday Wake Up with the Whales Cruise began with sightings of a pod Spinner Dolphins about a mile offshore of Anaeho’omalu Bay. These little cetaceans seemed as happy to see us as we were to see them, because they made the choice to swim right over to the boat to play for awhile…