Suprised at the End
12/19/2024 Aloha, We ran a couple of very fun Whale Watch Cruises from Anaeho’omalu Bay on Thursday. Guests on our Wake Up with the Whales Cruise got to see a half dozen different Humpbacks multiple times. The cruise started with two huge splashes from a breaching Humpback about 800 yards from us, but on the…
When Does “Cute” Become “Aggressive”?
March 20, 2024 Aloha, The only Whale Watch Cruise we operated on Tuesday was our Wake up with the Whales Cruise which departed at 8:00 from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Guests who woke up early enough to join us on this cruise got to see at least 9 different whales including 2 calves. Where there are calves,…
A Mixed Bag For Sure
March 14, 2024 Aloha, We operated 2 Whale Watch Cruises back to back from Anaeho’omalu Bay on Wednesday and they were like night and day. During our Wake Up with the Whales Cruise, we spent most of our time with two different Mom/Calf duos who acted like they didn’t want to wake up at all….
A Little Bit of Everything
March 12. 2024 Aloha, We got to see a little bit of everything during Monday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise. Even though the winds were still blowing, we saw evidence of somewhere between 25 and 35 different Humpbacks including 3 different Mom/Calf duos. For 25 minutes, a competitive pod of 6 Humpbacks paralleled the…
Excited Ocean, Excited Humpbacks, Excited Humans
March 11, 2024 Aloha, Our weekend of Whale Watching started off with some pretty strong winds. During Friday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise, the wind was blowing a steady 25 knots with gusts over 45 knots. As is often the case when the surface of the ocean is excited, so are the whales. We…
Squirmy Calf and Quite a Big Surprise
March 7, 2024 Aloha, With just about 3 weeks left in our 2023/2024 Humpback Whale Watch Season, we’re still seeing a lot of Humpbacks in our “neck of the woods”. On Wednesday’s Wake Up with the Whales Cruise we saw spouts everywhere — and we barely had to leave the bay to see them. We…
February 27, 2024 Aloha, Guests joining us on our 8AM Wake up with the Whales Cruise on Monday got a chance to watch 5 different pods of Humpbacks. We spent most of the cruise getting to know a Mom/Baby/Escort pod. Baby seemed interested in us too — we saw him attempt to spy hop at…
Height of the Season Stuff
February 21. 2024 Aloha, You can sure tell it’s the height of the Whale Watch season here in Hawaii! We saw so many Humpbacks during Tuesday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise that we couldn’t keep count. Though most of the 3 dozen or so whales in our vicinity were surfacing, spouting and diving again,…
Weekend Fun + A Video
Click to watch our Video February 19, 2024 Aloha, Saturday’s Mid-Morning Whale Watch Cruise started off kind of slow but ended with a bang. It took us about 20 minutes before we saw any Humpbacks, but the wait was worth it when all of a sudden 3 different Humpback pairs surfaced. We made our way…
Whale-Full Waters
February 6, 2024 Aloha, We operated 2 Whale Watch Cruises from Anaeho’omalu Bay on Monday. Guests on our Wake up with the Whales Cruise saw evidence of at least 2 dozen different Humpbacks less than 700 yards from us (Captain Will estimated he saw evidence of 3 dozen different Humpbacks — which just goes to…