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Height of the Season Stuff

February 21. 2024 Aloha, You can sure tell it’s the height of the Whale Watch season here in Hawaii! We saw so many Humpbacks during Tuesday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise that we couldn’t keep count. Though most of the 3 dozen or so whales in our vicinity were surfacing, spouting and diving again,…

Crazy Competition

Febuary 1. 2024 Aloha, Wednesday brought us more ocean swells, but also some pretty “swell” Whale Watch Cruises (sorry…couldn’t resist writing that). Guests on our Wake Up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay began the trip paralleling a competitive pod of 3 Humpbacks (Mom, Baby and Escort). As we watched, another male joined the…

Surprised More than Once

January 16, 2024 Aloha, Monday’s Whale Watch Cruises were down right crazy. Shortly after leaving the bay on our Wake up with the Whales Cruise, we were met with a Mom/calf pair. We got some good looks at them as they headed north but before too long, we were distracted by a couple of big…

Excited Ocean = Excited Humpbacks

January 11, 2024 Aloha, Wednesday’s ocean was still all excited from Tuesday’s storms, and the whales seemed pretty excited too. Guests on our Mid-Morning Whale Watch Cruise were met just outside the harbor by a curious Humpback who surfaced out of nowhere pretty close to the boat. Captain Sam immediately shifted into neutral and we…

Night and Day

December 23, 2023 Aloha, Our 2 Whale Watch Cruises on Friday were like night and day. Guests on our Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay saw a couple of spouts from various Humpbacks, but none of the spouts were close, and we weren’t able to get to any of the spouters before…