Intense Interactions + Sound Clip
Aloha, We weren’t sure what we’d see when we headed out of the bay on our Thursday Wake Up with the Whales Cruise. We began the trip with lots of sightings of the “usual” for this time of year — spouts, dorsal fins and flukes. But then we saw a pod of dolphins splashing near…
Too Many to Count
Aloha, There were Humpbacks all over the place during Monday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Throughout the cruise, we were surrounded by big adult whales, who were surfacing, only to spout a few times, lift their flukes and disappear under the water again. Towards the end of the cruise we were…
Not at All Peaceful
Aloha, Guest joining us on our Thursday Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay didn’t have a moment of peace (and that was A-OK with us). The trip started with sightings of a Mom/Calf duo who were breaching right outside of the bay. After watching Mom breach a couple of times and the…
What’s the Point?
Aloha, People ask us all the time whether we see more Humpbacks during our 8AM Cruise or during our 10:30 Cruise. To be completely honest, sighting frequency varies by the day — and if we really saw more whales consistently on one cruise or the other, we’d only offer the better of the two cruises!…
Second Verse, Same as the First
Aloha, There was another big swell hitting the island on Thursday, but luckily, it didn’t affect our whale sightings. Guests on our 8AM Wake Up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay met a very young calf and his Mom just south of the bay. This little one still had a bent-over dorsal fin indicating…
Words Don’t Do it Justice
Aloha, As we boarded our guests for our Monday Wake up with the Whales Cruise, we could see a storm with lightening off to the northwest…near Maui. Luckily the lightening didn’t come our way, or we would have had to cancel the trip out of an abundance of caution. We headed south (away from any…
Crazy Competition
Aloha, Guests on Monday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay saw pair after pair after pair (and we can keep going with this phrase) of Humpbacks, along with one trio, adding up to sightings of at least 15 different whales. All of these Humpbacks were on 15 – 20 minute dive cycles,…
At Least Someone Was Enthusiastic
Aloha, Whoo-boy…the surf came up BIG time for us on the west coast of the island. The biggest waves rolled through on Friday (causing us to cancel our cruises because we couldn’t get anyone from the beach to the boat safely). By Saturday, the swell had diminished a bit, but there was definitely some motion…
Spinner Dolphins and Competitive Humpbacks
Aloha, Our Monday Wake Up with the Whales Cruise began with sightings of a pod Spinner Dolphins about a mile offshore of Anaeho’omalu Bay. These little cetaceans seemed as happy to see us as we were to see them, because they made the choice to swim right over to the boat to play for awhile…
No Fooling — the Season Has Come to an End
April 1, 2024 Aloha, We operated our final Whale Watch Cruises of the season this past weekend, and we saw Humpbacks during all of them. There still seem to be several Mom/Calf pods hanging around our part of the coastline, but we’re also seeing lone adult Humpbacks and even a few competitive pods. I checked…