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humpback sexual maturity age and length

Kinda’ Lazy

Aloha, We operated a couple of Guaranteed Whale Watch Cruises from Kawaihae Harbor on Saturday. Guests onboard for our 8AM Cruise met up with a Mom/Calf/Escort trio just south of the harbor. At first, the trio kept surfacing a couple hundred yards from us (baby surfaced a lot more frequently than the others). We were…

Weekend Whale Watching Culminates with a Hypertensive Event

February 12. 2024 Aloha, So. Many. Humpbacks. It was quite the weekend for Whale Watching on the Kohala Coast. Here are a few highlights. Friday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise began with some great views of a Mom/Calf/Escort trio. After watching them for about 20 minutes, we headed over to a competitive pod who…