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We ALL Saw It (and that rarely happens)

Aloha, Our President’s Day Whale Watch Cruises departed from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Guests on our 8AM Wake up with the Whales Cruise spotted their first whale straight off shore of the bay. By the time we got to him though, he had lifted his flukes and disappeared from sight…so Captain Maika turned to starboard and headed…

Excited Ocean = Excited Humpbacks

January 11, 2024 Aloha, Wednesday’s ocean was still all excited from Tuesday’s storms, and the whales seemed pretty excited too. Guests on our Mid-Morning Whale Watch Cruise were met just outside the harbor by a curious Humpback who surfaced out of nowhere pretty close to the boat. Captain Sam immediately shifted into neutral and we…

A Weekend of Surprises

December 18, 2023 Aloha, Welcome back to the Ocean Sports Whale Watch Report! Just as in past years, I’ll be posting (and emailing) a synopsis of our Humpback sightings on a regular basis throughout our official Whale Watching Season (December 15th through March 31st). For those of you interested in taking a deep dive into…