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An Actual Arc of Breaches

Aloha, We spend the first 70 minutes of our Tuesday 90 minute Wake up with the Whales Cruise watching multiple pods of two and three Humpbacks spouting pretty much everywhere we looked. We couldn’t approach any of these whales even to the 100 yard mark because each of the pods was being watched by other…

Weekend Round Up

January 29, 2024 Aloha, We saw too much during our weekend of Whale Watching for me to provide all the details, so this report will just touch on the highlights of our cruises. Guests on Friday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise got some good views of over a dozen different Humpbacks, including two different…

Everyone was Looking at Everyone

January 23, 2024 Aloha, After yet another crazy weekend of weather, we finally got back out onto the water on Monday. Guests joining us on our Wake up with the Whales Cruise spent some quality time with a Mom, her baby, and their escort. These 3 seemed to be curious about us as they stayed…