Deja Vu
Aloha, We hadn’t even gotten off of our mooring when we saw our first breaches during our Thursday Wake up with the Whales Cruise out of Anaeho’omalu Bay. These whales were about 1000 yards from us, and we still had to navigate out of the bay in order to approach them, so by the…
Now THIS was Fun!
Aloha, Watch what happened to us during our Wake up with the Whales Cruise on Saturday! Mahalo, Claire Ocean Sports Whale Fact of the Day: Was the whale who came to visit us on Saturday really looking at us? We think so. Though Humpbacks rely on their sense of hearing far more than any other sense, we do know that vision is also important to them. Based on the shape of the Humpbacks’ corneas, they can certainly see us…but, they’re probably a bit farsighted when looking through water and a bit nearsighted when looking through the air. And in case anyone asks you, Humpbacks have beautiful brown eyes. Their eyeballs weigh, on average, 2.16 pounds. Human eyeballs weigh about a quarter of an ounce.