Well, That Was Different
Aloha, It seems like I’ve been writing this phrase a lot lately…”The surf was up again” but…the surf was up again for Tuesday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae Harbor. That meant that the conditions at the dock were surgy, but once we got out of the harbor and into deeper water, all…
A Welcome Surprise
Aloha, Guests on Saturday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise spent some time with 3 different pods comprised of 2 Humpbacks each. We saw our first pod just as we were leaving the harbor, directly in front of us. These 2 whales were fully grown — and surfacing, spouting and sounding. While we were watching…
Excitement or Aggression?
Aloha, We were met with some pretty strong trade winds on Monday for our two Guaranteed Whale Watch Cruises from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Guests on our 8AM Wake up with the Whales Cruise saw probably 10 different Humpbacks, and these whales were really active on the surface. Besides the three breaches we saw from about 500…
Constant Companion
Aloha, ‘Twas the day before Christmas, and the whales in the ocean, were up at the surface creating commotion… Ok, enough of that. But we did have some great Humpback sightings during our Tuesday Whale Watch Cruises. As we were leaving the harbor for our Wake Up with the Whales Cruise we spotted 2 juvenile…
When Does “Cute” Become “Aggressive”?
March 20, 2024 Aloha, The only Whale Watch Cruise we operated on Tuesday was our Wake up with the Whales Cruise which departed at 8:00 from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Guests who woke up early enough to join us on this cruise got to see at least 9 different whales including 2 calves. Where there are calves,…