Deja Vu
Aloha, We hadn’t even gotten off of our mooring when we saw our first breaches during our Thursday Wake up with the Whales Cruise out of Anaeho’omalu Bay. These whales were about 1000 yards from us, and we still had to navigate out of the bay in order to approach them, so by the…
Whale Season Off to an Epic Start
We can hardly believe it but Monday marked the beginning of our 44th Whale Watch Season on the Kohala Coast! On Monday, we operated two Guaranteed Whale Watch Cruises from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Our first Whale Watch of the day (and of the season), our Wake up with the Whales Cruise, can only be described as…
Night and Day
December 23, 2023 Aloha, Our 2 Whale Watch Cruises on Friday were like night and day. Guests on our Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay saw a couple of spouts from various Humpbacks, but none of the spouts were close, and we weren’t able to get to any of the spouters before…