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Singles Mingle

Aloha, It was a “Single’s Club” for Humpbacks during our Thursday Wake Up with the Whales Cruise. In total, we saw somewhere around 10 different Humpbacks, but all of them were lone adults. Of course that’s just our interpretation of what we were seeing since none of the whales we were looking at were in…

Same Ole Song

Aloha, All the whales we found during our two Whale Watch Cruises from Kawaihae on Tuesday were way up north along the Kohala Coast. Guests on our Wake Up with the Whales Cruise watched 4 different Humpbacks, but each of these whales was spending more time under the water than on the surface. On our…

Bringing Tears to our Eyes

Aloha, There’s lots to report from our last few days of Whale Watching, so here are just a few of the highlights. Guests on Saturday’s Late Morning Whale Watch Cruise saw a half dozen different whales, but we spent most of our time with a very active Mom/Calf pod. We saw at least 10 full…

Just Playing Around? Or Something Much More Serious?

Aloha, Guests on Thursday’s Wake Up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay saw at least a dozen different Humpbacks. Highlights included sightings of 3 different Mom/Calf pods — and two of these pods were accompanied by escorts. The most active of the three pods was the second one. Baby was kind of squirmy at…

Hamming it Up

Aloha, Guests on Monday’s Wake Up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay saw at least a dozen different Humpbacks. All of them seemed to be paired up — a mix of adult pairs and a couple of Mom/Baby duos too. We spent some time watching a pair of adults who decided to dive below…

Just Playing Around

Aloha, It took us only about 20 minutes to find our first Humpbacks during our Saturday Wake up with the Whales Cruise – a Momma Humpback and her calf. These two were busily expressing something to each other (or maybe they were just playing around) because we must have seen 50 pectoral slaps in the…

Intense Interactions + Sound Clip

Aloha, We weren’t sure what we’d see when we headed out of the bay on our Thursday Wake Up with the Whales Cruise. We began the trip with lots of sightings of the “usual” for this time of year — spouts, dorsal fins and flukes. But then we saw a pod of dolphins splashing near…

Singing Without Vocal Cords

Aloha, The trade winds were blowing for our two Tuesday Whale Watch Cruises from Kawaihae. On our Wake Up with the Whales Cruise, we had to travel waaaay north of the harbor before we saw our first Humpbacks. These two passed pretty close by our idling boat a couple of times. They were definitely in…

Too Many to Count

Aloha, There were Humpbacks all over the place during Monday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Throughout the cruise, we were surrounded by big adult whales, who were surfacing, only to spout a few times, lift their flukes and disappear under the water again. Towards the end of the cruise we were…


Aloha, It’s getting to be that time of the season when our coastline is virtually overrun by Humpback calves, which is more than fine with us. On Saturday’s Wake Up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae we got to meet a Mom/Calf/Escort pod who were hanging out just outside of the harbor. All three of…

Not at All Peaceful

Aloha, Guest joining us on our Thursday Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay didn’t have a moment of peace (and that was A-OK with us). The trip started with sightings of a Mom/Calf duo who were breaching right outside of the bay. After watching Mom breach a couple of times and the…

Baby Acts Like, Well, a Baby

Aloha, Tuesdays are Kawaihae days for us. Guests on our Wake Up With the Whales Cruise spent some time with a Mom/Baby pod about a mile northwest of the harbor. While we watched, these two were approached by a couple of males — and we got to witness the beginnings of a competitive pod. We…