First Humpbacks of the 2023/2024 Season!

We’re excited to announce that our 2023/2024 Humpback Whale Watching Season has officially begun!
Today, Captain Mason and crewmember Dave, along with 9 lucky guests on board our Glass Bottom Boat saw OUR first Humpback Whales of the season! Dave tells us that around 10:15, he and Captain Mason saw some surface splashing north of Anaeho’omalu Bay. Captain Mason put the pedal to the metal (so to speak), headed to the mouth of the bay, and took a right hand turn.
As everyone watched, we saw several spouts (maybe from 2 Humpbacks…possible 3) followed by at least 10 pectoral slaps (that’s what we call it when the whale slaps his huge “arm” onto the surface of the water) and more than a dozen fluke slaps.These Humpbacks were on the move, and since we were onboard our Glass Bottom Boat, we couldn’t follow them very far, but we did get some great views of those very excited whales. Actually, we weren’t sure who was more excited — the active Humpbacks or all of us “in-awe” humans! Full disclosure: since we weren’t expecting to see Humpbacks on the surface, no one had a camera ready — and the above photo is actually from several years ago– but we thought you wouldn’t mind!
Since we won’t be running dedicated Whale Watch Cruises until December 15th, we invite you to join us on any of our Snorkel Adventure Cruises , Pau Hana Sunset Cruises or Glass Bottom Boat Cruises and help us search for more of our first Kohala Coast Humpbacks!
Oh, and for those of you who read about and entered our “Guess the First Humpback Sighting Contest”, we want to thank you for playing! No one guessed the exact date and time, but Christina R. provided the closest guess, and for her entry, we’ll be sending her a Gift Certificate redeemable for one seat on any of our Morning Whale Watch Cruises.