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A Positive Dilemma

Aloha, Guests who joined us on our Tuesday Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae didn’t have to wait a long time to see Humpbacks. In fact, we weren’t even out of the harbor before we saw our first three spouts! We decided to head south though, and got to spend some time with…

An Actual Arc of Breaches

Aloha, We spend the first 70 minutes of our Tuesday 90 minute Wake up with the Whales Cruise watching multiple pods of two and three Humpbacks spouting pretty much everywhere we looked. We couldn’t approach any of these whales even to the 100 yard mark because each of the pods was being watched by other…

Crazy Competition

Aloha, Guests on Monday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay saw pair after pair after pair (and we can keep going with this phrase) of Humpbacks, along with one trio, adding up to sightings of at least 15 different whales. All of these Humpbacks were on 15 – 20 minute dive cycles,…

Constant Companion

Aloha, ‘Twas the day before Christmas, and the whales in the ocean, were up at the surface creating commotion… Ok, enough of that. But we did have some great Humpback sightings during our Tuesday Whale Watch Cruises. As we were leaving the harbor for our Wake Up with the Whales Cruise we spotted 2 juvenile…

Whale Season Off to an Epic Start

We can hardly believe it but Monday marked the beginning of our 44th Whale Watch Season on the Kohala Coast! On Monday, we operated two Guaranteed Whale Watch Cruises from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Our first Whale Watch of the day (and of the season), our Wake up with the Whales Cruise, can only be described as…

On Second Thought…

March 27, 2024 Aloha, After Monday’s Whale Watch Cruises, we kind of thought our season was coming to an abrupt end. But Tuesday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise had us reconsidering. Throughout the course of the cruise we saw a half dozen different Humpbacks but we spent most of our time with a Mom…

What Happened Next? We Wish We Knew

March 21, 2024 Aloha, We had a wild time on our Wednesday Mid-Morning Whale Watch from Kawaihae. We got to watch an extremely active competitive pod of Humpbacks for the entire cruise. When the whales are as active as they were this morning, it’s really impossible to count them (at least from the vantage point…

Hydrophone Attracts a Whale?

March 5, 2024 Aloha, We only operated one dedicated guaranteed Whale Watch Cruise on Monday, and it was a doozy! Guests on our Wake up with the Whales Cruise got to see 5 distinct pods of Humpbacks. Right off the bat we were surrounded by sounding whales, so we got some great views of Humpbacks’…

Not Floundering

March 1. 2024 Aloha, Our Leap Year Mid-Morning Whale Watch Cruise began with some heavy-duty searching. The first spout we saw was from a Humpback at least 1000 yards from us. But before we could get to him, we saw spouts from a calf and his Momma, so we decided to stop and watch them…


February 27, 2024 Aloha, Guests joining us on our 8AM Wake up with the Whales Cruise on Monday got a chance to watch 5 different pods of Humpbacks. We spent most of the cruise getting to know a Mom/Baby/Escort pod. Baby seemed interested in us too — we saw him attempt to spy hop at…