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Too Many to Count

Aloha, There were Humpbacks all over the place during Monday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Throughout the cruise, we were surrounded by big adult whales, who were surfacing, only to spout a few times, lift their flukes and disappear under the water again. Towards the end of the cruise we were…

Hauntingly Beautiful

Aloha, We went out on two Whale Watch Cruises from Kawaihae on Saturday. During our 8AM Wake up with the Whales Cruise we saw spouts from about 6 or 8 different whales, but it took us almost 40 minutes to find that first pair. These two dove when we were about 200 yards from them…

Second Verse, Same as the First

Aloha, There was another big swell hitting the island on Thursday, but luckily, it didn’t affect our whale sightings. Guests on our 8AM Wake Up with the Whales Cruise from Anaeho’omalu Bay met a very young calf and his Mom just south of the bay. This little one still had a bent-over dorsal fin indicating…

A Positive Dilemma

Aloha, Guests who joined us on our Tuesday Wake up with the Whales Cruise from Kawaihae didn’t have to wait a long time to see Humpbacks. In fact, we weren’t even out of the harbor before we saw our first three spouts! We decided to head south though, and got to spend some time with…

Lots to Avoid

  Aloha, Based on the weather forecast posted on Wednesday, we weren’t sure what we were going to see when we woke up on Thursday morning, but the strong winds and rain that were supposed to be hitting us hadn’t filled in yet, so we boarded our guests and headed out to sea for our…

No Fooling — the Season Has Come to an End

April 1, 2024 Aloha, We operated our final Whale Watch Cruises of the season this past weekend, and we saw Humpbacks during all of them. There still seem to be several Mom/Calf pods hanging around our part of the coastline, but we’re also seeing lone adult Humpbacks and even a few competitive pods. I checked…

On Second Thought…

March 27, 2024 Aloha, After Monday’s Whale Watch Cruises, we kind of thought our season was coming to an abrupt end. But Tuesday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise had us reconsidering. Throughout the course of the cruise we saw a half dozen different Humpbacks but we spent most of our time with a Mom…

A Mixed Bag For Sure

March 14, 2024 Aloha, We operated 2 Whale Watch Cruises back to back from Anaeho’omalu Bay on Wednesday and they were like night and day. During our Wake Up with the Whales Cruise, we spent most of our time with two different Mom/Calf duos who acted like they didn’t want to wake up at all….

Escorted by Dolphins

March 4, 2024 Aloha, A pod of Spinner Dolphins escorted us out of Kawaihae Harbor on Saturday’s Mid-Morning Whale Watch Cruise and led us right over to a Momma Humpback and her very small calf. For a while it looked like the calf was trying to interact with the dolphins (or maybe it was the…

Just Playing??

February 22, 2024 Aloha, The ocean was as smooth as glass for our two Whale Watch Cruises from Anaeho’omalu Bay on Wednesday. When we have conditions like that we can see Humpbacks spouting from miles away. Just like on Tuesday, we lost count of the total number of Humpbacks we were seeing during our cruises,…