Are You Patient Enough?
Aloha, No one is sure if it was Cato the Elder or Chaucer who first wrote that patience is a virtue, but if you’re an avid whale watcher you know this to be true. Tuesday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise was a case in point. We spent the beginning of the cruise seeing spouts…
Goose Bumps or Chicken Skin – Does it really matter?
Aloha, Do you have a favorite Humpback behavior? I do — for some reason watching a Humpback spy-hopping is just mesmerizing to me. Something about watching the whale moving in what seems like a slow-motion vertical elevator ride until her eyes are above the surface of the ocean just gives me goose-bumps (or as we…
Excitement or Aggression?
Aloha, We were met with some pretty strong trade winds on Monday for our two Guaranteed Whale Watch Cruises from Anaeho’omalu Bay. Guests on our 8AM Wake up with the Whales Cruise saw probably 10 different Humpbacks, and these whales were really active on the surface. Besides the three breaches we saw from about 500…
At Least Someone Was Enthusiastic
Aloha, Whoo-boy…the surf came up BIG time for us on the west coast of the island. The biggest waves rolled through on Friday (causing us to cancel our cruises because we couldn’t get anyone from the beach to the boat safely). By Saturday, the swell had diminished a bit, but there was definitely some motion…
Messing Around on the Surface
February 28. 2024 Aloha, The ocean surface looked like glass for a lot of Tuesday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise. As a result, we could see Humpbacks from miles away. Over the course of the cruise, we saw at least 2 dozen different Humpbacks but spent most of our time with a Mom/Calf/Escort trio….
Humpback Excitement (or Irritation)
January 17, 2024 Aloha, The ocean was a bit bouncy during Tuesday’s Private Whale Watch Cruise from Kawaihae, and that may have energized the Humpbacks because we got to see quite a lot of surface activity. We spent most of our time with a Mom/Calf/Escort pod who were hanging out about a mile offshore of…
Surprised More than Once
January 16, 2024 Aloha, Monday’s Whale Watch Cruises were down right crazy. Shortly after leaving the bay on our Wake up with the Whales Cruise, we were met with a Mom/calf pair. We got some good looks at them as they headed north but before too long, we were distracted by a couple of big…
Driven Off
December 26, 2023 Aloha, We hope you had a wonderful weekend and a Mele Kalikimaka (for those who celebrated it). We were on the water a lot since my last report, so I’ll just include a few trip highlights. Saturday’s Mid-Morning Whale Watch Cruise started with sightings of a very active Mom/Baby duo just outside…