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spinner dolphins

A Welcome Surprise

Aloha, Guests on Saturday’s Wake up with the Whales Cruise spent some time with 3 different pods comprised of 2 Humpbacks each. We saw our first pod just as we were leaving the harbor, directly in front of us. These 2 whales were fully grown — and surfacing, spouting and sounding. While we were watching…

Squirmy Calf and Quite a Big Surprise

March 7, 2024 Aloha, With just about 3 weeks left in our 2023/2024 Humpback Whale Watch Season, we’re still seeing a lot of Humpbacks in our “neck of the woods”. On Wednesday’s Wake Up with the Whales Cruise we saw spouts everywhere — and we barely had to leave the bay to see them. We…

Escorted by Dolphins

March 4, 2024 Aloha, A pod of Spinner Dolphins escorted us out of Kawaihae Harbor on Saturday’s Mid-Morning Whale Watch Cruise and led us right over to a Momma Humpback and her very small calf. For a while it looked like the calf was trying to interact with the dolphins (or maybe it was the…